
Ethical Nursing Principles

Ethics are very mandatory for a nurse in carrying out patient care practices, so that every health service we provide is always within the norms that can build our caring for patients. In order to avoid unwanted problems and patients can feel the real good nurse service

Ethical Nursing Principles that are mandatory for all nurses

Nursing ethics is a philosophy that directs the moral responsibility that underlies the implementation of nursing practice. Ethics requires a critical, methodical and systematic attitude in reflecting. That's why ethics is a science whose object is human behavior.

before continuing reading should also read: Code of ethics in nursing

Nursing ethics has 8 principles which are discussed in basic nursing science material 1. This lesson is given at the beginning of the first semester of lectures, so it can be concluded from this, that nursing ethics is very important for a nurse. The following is the explanation one by one.

1. Autonomy (Autonomy)
The principle of autonomy is based on the belief that individuals are able to think logically and decide. Adults are considered competent and have the power to make their own decisions, choose and have various decisions or choices that are valued. The principle of autonomy is a form of respect for a person, also seen as an agreement not to force and to act rationally. Autonomy is the right of individual independence and freedom that demands self-differentiation. Professional practice reflects autonomy when nurses respect the rights of patients in making decisions about their own care.

2. Beneficience (Doing Good)
Beneficiary means only doing something good. Goodness also requires prevention from wrong or evil, eliminating wrong or evil and enhancing the good by oneself and others. Sometimes in health care situations, goodness comes into conflict with autonomy.

3. Justice
The principle of justice is needed for equal and fair therapy to others who uphold moral, legal and human principles. This value is reflected in professional practice when nurses work for the right therapy according to the law, practice standards and the right beliefs to obtain quality health care.

4. Non Maleficience (no loss)
This principle means that all actions taken on clients do not cause harm / injury physically and psychologically.

5. Veracity (honesty)
It is a value that is needed by all health care providers to convey the truth to each patient and to make sure that the patient understands very well. The veracity principle relates to a person's ability to tell the truth.

This is very much needed as a foundation in order to build a trusting relationship between staff and patients.

6. Fidelity (loyalty / obedience)
The principle of fidelity is needed by individuals to respect their promises and commitments to others. The nurse is true to her commitments and keeps promises and keeps patient secrets. Obedience, loyalty is a person's obligation to maintain the commitments he made. This loyalty describes nurses' compliance with a code of ethics which states that the basic responsibility of nurses is to improve health, prevent disease, restore health and minimize suffering.

7. Confidentiality (confidentiality)
The rule in this confidentiality principle is that information about clients must be kept private. What is contained in the client's medical record document can only be read in the context of the client's treatment. No one can get this information unless it is permitted by the client with proof of consent. Discussions about clients outside the service area, telling friends or family about clients with other health workers must be prevented.

8. Accountability
This principle is closely related to fidelity, which means that responsibility is certain for every action and can be used to judge others. Accountability is a definite standard by which the actions of a professional can be judged in an unclear situation or without exception.

9. Moral Right
Advocacy Advocacy is providing advice in an effort to protect and support patient rights. This is a moral obligation for nurses to practice professional nursing
Responsibility (responsibility) The execution of tasks related to a specific role of the nurse. For example, when giving medicine, the nurse is responsible for assessing the client's needs by giving it safely and correctly.
Loyalty A concept that passes through sympathy, caring, and reciprocity towards those who are professionally related to the nurse.

The values that are indispensable for nurses are:

Respect for others

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