
Color Bracelet Or Pin As an Identity and A Sign Of the Patient's Risk In the Hospital

As a health worker, you are certainly no stranger to the colorful bracelets or pins that are often attached to patients who are being treated in an inpatient room at a hospital. and of course it is also very mandatory to know the uses of these colorful bracelets or pins, but we are very sure that every health worker already knows about the benefits and uses of these colorful bracelets or pins.

picture of patient identification bracelet

Well here we try to explain about the usefulness or function of the colorful bracelets or pins as material to refresh knowledge or increase knowledge for friends who are currently receiving education for health workers in a health education institution. The colorful bracelets or pins that are usually worn on patients in hospitals are divided into two types from the point of view of their function, namely patient identification bracelets and risk bracelets.

Patient Identification Bracelet

Patient identification bracelet is used to identify the patient identity. which is usually done by officers who are in the ER. the bracelet is filled with name, date of birth and medical record number. As for the color, it is divided into two colors, namely blue for men and pink for female patients and white bracelets for patients with multiple sexes (ambiguous). The patient's identity bracelet aims to avoid errors in the implementation of therapy that will be given to the patient if there is a patient who has a similar name, so wearing this identity bracelet will reduce the risk of this error because the bracelet also includes the date of birth and medical record number each time. The patient's no medical record is not the same.

The way to fill in the identity on the bracelet is as follows:

The risk bracelet or pin aims to provide a sign of the extent of the risk that exists in a patient as for the type of risk bracelet there are 5 colors and each color has its own meaning. that is

1. Red bracelet or pin

A red bracelet or pin is attached to patients who have a known risk of drug allergies from the patient's history or who have recently had a skin test done.

2. Yellow bracelet or pin Yellow bracelets or pins are placed on patients who have a high risk of falling, which means these patients require extra close supervision, for example in postoperative patients, patients with decreased consciousness and in patients with assistive devices such as canes etc.

3. Green bracelet or pin Green bracelets or pins are placed on patients who have a risk of allergy to latex, so in these patients try to stay away from the use of latex

4. Purple bracelet or pin purple bracelet or pin placed on patients who have low life expectancy or known as DNR (do not resuscitation) do not do resuscitation.

5. Gray bracelet or pin a gray bracelet or pin is placed on a patient who is receiving radioactive material (chemotherapy)

The procedure for placing a bracelet or color pin on the patient

  • All patients must be properly identified, prior to administration of drugs, blood or blood product transfusions, collection of blood and specimens for clinical examination.
  • The bracelet or pin must be placed on the patient's dominant hand, explain the purpose of using the bracelet and try to make the patient comfortable wearing it
  • In hemodialysis patients, bracelets or pins should not be placed on the arm that is having an anterio-venous fistula attached
  • If it can't be attached to the hands, attach it to the legs, and if it can't be attached to the hands and feet, attach it to the patient's body and can be hung using a rope around the patient's neck. this should be recorded in the medical record and should always accompany the patient.
  • Bracelets or pins should only be removed when the patient is discharged from the hospital
  • The color of the bracelet or pin must be in accordance with their respective uses
  • Name should not be abbreviated must match the name recorded in the medical record
  • Never write on the wristband and rewrite it on the patient's bracelet
  • If there is a data error, the bracelet must be replaced
  • If the bracelet or pin comes off, replace it with a new one immediately
  • double-check the name, date of birth, and medical record number before placing it on the patient
  • Every time you ask a patient, use an active question, not a passive question
  • Ask again the patient's name and compare it with the identity on the bracelet before taking action or transferring to another unit
  • Check the bracelet or pin every time you make a ship change

Procedure for removing the color bracelet or pin on the patient

Color bracelets or pins worn on patients must not be removed before the patient leaves or leaves the hospital, the nurse who removes the bracelet or pin is the nurse on duty when the patient is going home. As for removing the color bracelet or pin on the patient, it includes:

1. The bracelet is removed when the patient is going home and the nurse gives the medicine and explains the next treatment procedure.

2. For adult patients, bracelets that are no longer used must be cut out and thrown in the trash / may be taken home if the patient wishes, for infant patients who are going home the bracelet is cut and inserted as well as into the data that will be brought home by the baby's parents.

3. The bracelet may be removed if it gets in the way of taking action, but must be re-installed by replacing it with a new one.

Thank you for reading hopefully useful.

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